Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Does he look like trouble?? I love this boy to pieces, but boy does he have us on our toes already. First day of school, not so good. Second day of school, not so good. He is having a tough time listening and following directions, and yesterday even hit a kid over the head with a book. Okay, so this is kind of funny but, yikes! I have already had phone calls from his teacher both days.

Here's hoping to a GOOD third day of school...


  1. OH MY GOODNESS (laughing) Good luck Sis!! Love ya! He is just too dang cute!!

  2. Well Grandma loves him. I think the child that is the most difficult is the most loved. I always enjoy Jessica and Erika at our home. I had forgotten about this blog and keep checking the old one. I did not even know about the adoption being final. Wow where was I? Love you all so much!! Grandma Loni
