Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If we can get through one year...

....we can get through forever! This time last year, the girls were coming "home" for the first time. Wow, what a year! Jessica has reminded me several times over the past few weeks that we were coming up on the year mark, and that she could hardly believe it! Ken and I never dreamed of having 3 kids, but this is what we were lead to, and it has all been so worth it. It has been a tough year in many ways, but all our experiences have made us stronger as a family and closer than ever. I know several families that have adopted, mentioned that it takes a good year to work out the kinks, and then the family mold feels like it has always been there. I concur with this...every experience throughout this year has brought us closer with each other and it is really hard to imagine our lives without the kiddos! I love to look at all the photos that we have taken as it is amazing to see the changes in the girls. The picture above is the only picture we had of the girls for the year that we worked on our dossier to adopt them, and I love it! Here is a picture of the girls taken over the last couple months...what a difference!

1 comment:

  1. I love the last picture of the three of them- what an awesome pose!
